
It's already july!!!

My how fast this year is going by, there are alot of things that have been happening in our family and still i forget to write about them. But its july, already this year we have had so many things happeneing in our lives our daughters first birthday being one of them and my how she continues to grow every day. Not only is she a crazy one year old who get into everything but shes a little dare devil who continually tries new things and even though she may get hurt she tries again. Shes loves to climb, run, play in water, dance, sing and loves to keep mom on her toes while causing havoc with dad.
Along with her many partners in crime (her cousins being many of the ones teaching her the ropes) her favorite is her daddy who teaches her how to along with many other things pin her mommy down and tickle her.

 Our trip to tennesseefor our family reunion we were lucky enough to fly out and had such a fun time i just wish i hadn't forgotten our camera to take pictures but we enjoyed family, water fights, shaving cream fights, sleeping in the cabin our family auction, fishing and spending time in mississippi.

My little climber just some of the many places shes unded up on and i'm sure there are many more to come. she sure soes keep me on my toes and makes sure that i learn how to brenda proof not just baby proof.

 Chilling with her cousing just some of the many that will i'm sure show her the ropes and how things are done
 With daddy, she sure does love him so much and is already trying to follow him everywhere he goes. And her all time favorite sunday naps. Gotta rest between trouble making time.
 She's ready for take off just making sure her eye wear is on correctly.

 Just 2 days with the boys and they already taught her to love trucks, shes went for a ride and was also taught how to make fire truck noises.
 Her easter dress. I love her so much and she doesn't even realize what an amazing gift she is to me. She has already blessed our lives so much and has only been here a little over a year.

Along with the many happy times this year has brought some great challenges to our family and i hope in time we learn how to heal from all the things that have happened especially in the last month and a half but until then we just have to look for the blessing that come with the trials and realize that everything has a purpose even if we may not know it in this life time. I'm grateful that even though i did not know the challenges that my choices would bring my heavenly Father loves me enough to send blessing and to give me the oppertunity to have such an amazing family and life saver who will get me through everything. I'm beginning to realize that many times the reasons behind thing that happen in our lives are made clear to us when we are struggleing the most and that maybe sometimes we have to go through challenges so we can understand the blessing.